Rules and Regulations

We expect our students, their parents / guardians and the family members concerned to co-operate with us to maintain discipline in the school. We believe that no disciplinary action needs to be taken against any child,but indiscipline should be nipped in the bud. Therefore, pay attention to the following disciplinary rules.



1. Students should develop healthy habits of mind and body by constant self-discipline.
2. School Uniform is compulsory for the students when they are in the school campus and it should be strictly in accordance with the pattern prescribed by the school.
3. All must come to school on time. Late comers will have to get a written permission from the Principal to enter into the class.
4. At the warning bell (8.45am) students should proceed to their classes and remainsilent. Nobody should be seen roaming around after the first bell.
5. Perfect silence and order should be maintained by the pupils while going out for the assembly and returning to class.
6. Students should stand in reverence during the prayer time.
7. All the students should greet teachers, elders and one another especially when they are in the school campus.
8. Students are expected to speak only English in the school bus and in the school premises.
9. The students should always speak and behave politely and decently especially when they are out of the campus and while using the public conveyance.
10. Students should feel it below their dignity to wander about or use filthy language.
11. Students should bring their handbook daily and it should be shown to the authorities on demand.
12. Participation of students in all the school activities is compulsory.
13. Students must wear their ID cards while they are in the school.
14. Playing is restricted to the ground. Do not play or run on the corridors or classrooms.
15. Keep the toilet areas clean and use the toilet facilities properly.
16. Students should not loiter on the corridors during class hours. Whenever they have to move to the library, auditorium, etc. they should do so in an orderly manner, without disturbing the neighbouring class.
17. Students are not allowed to enter other classrooms without prior permission.
18. Class leaders are the ones who are generally permitted to meet teachers in the staff room for the need of their class.
19. Once on the school premises, students are not allowed to leave the school campus without written permission.
20. Students should bring a small towel along with the lunch box.
21. Transaction of cash or kind among the students is not permitted.
22. It is desirable that students do not wear ornaments and jewellery while they are in the school. However, girl students can wear small studs.
23. Students are forbidden to bring mobile phones and other electronic gadgets to the school.
24. Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be permitted to attend classes.
25. No student is exempted from Physical Education classes unless he / she produce a medical certificate.
26. Do not bring cakes or other costly sweets to school when birthdays are celebrated. It will be appreciated to celebrate it differently by doing a good deed.
27. No books other than textbooks and notebooks should be brought to the school.
28. Students and parents are not permitted to entertain the school staff with gifts.
29. Students shall not bring any eatables other than regular meals.
30. The school will not be responsible for the loss of any personal belongings. Lost articles found in the campus should immediately be handed over to the office. The owner of the lost article should also report the matter to the office at the earliest and may recover it from the school office, if found.
31. The classrooms and the premises should be kept clean and tidy. Any damage caused to properties of school will have to be compensated. Students should not write on the walls, benches and desks. The damage caused accidentally, should be reported to the school authorities.
32. Boys should cut their hair short and girls should plait their hair and tie with maroon ribbons. Girls with short hair may wear maroon hair band or maroon hair bow.
33. Students should keep their nails clean, trimmed properly and keep it short.
34. Habitual late-comers may have to face disciplinary actions.
35. Students shall not use chewing gum or any chewable items in the class room or inside the campus.
36. It is desirable that text books and note books, tiffin carriers, lunch kit, umbrellas etc may bear the name of the owner.
37. No one shall distribute any notice or printed matter among the students or staff without the permission of the Principal.
38. No one is allowed to stick posters anywhere in the campus without the permission of the Principal. All the notices on the Notice board should bear the signature of the Principal.
39. No meeting, picnic or any kind of organised group activity shall be arranged without the permission of the Principal. Students are not permitted to indulge in political activities.